Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Summer Running

With the start of the fourth week of summer running we have had some good times and many kids have been very dedicated to putting in the miles for the upcoming cross country season. Two days after school got out the team took 16 athletes to the Flathead Distance Running Camp just outside of Big Fork, Montana. They enjoyed meeting other runners from around the United States, running at elevation on some sweet trails, setting some team goals for the fall, and learning from some of the best coaches in the nation.

Up next for the Blackhawks are a few summer races. This coming weekend is Let's Climb A Mountain in which 6 athletes are going to participate in the relay with legs from 3 to 8 miles long from the Clock Tower in downtown Spokane to the top of Mt. Spokane; 34 miles total and nearly 4000 feet of vertical gain. Also this weekend is Happy Hoofers from City Park in Cheney in conjunction with Rodeo weekend. Later in July the Toaster Splash in Deer Park is on the 16th and Cherry Pickers Trot is on the 21st. Information on both of these races can be found at Bloomsday Road Runners Club website.

Important information to keep in mind:

  • Keep track of your summer mileage and work toward the 250 mile club which will receive a shirt and possibly a kayak trip...
  • First day of practice is August 22nd starting with a meeting in Coach Martin's room.
  • Retreat this year is on August 23rd, the second day of practice, make sure you have all of your paperwork in order so you don't miss out on this great experience.